The Silver Dilemma

Silver is a great for keeping water clean. However, added directly to the water, it will find its way into the body and the environment.

Despite its many technical advantages, the use of silver is viewed critically. This is true for both dissolved ions and silver nano-particles*. In order to safeguard environment and health, meeting the minimization requirement is paramount.

Minimization requirement: 

During the process of water purification and distribution, no more than the technically feasible and economically justifiable minimum of contaminants from purification chemicals and other materials may be released into the drinking water. Thus, the minimization requirement is aiming for natural and anthropogenically uncontaminated drinking water.

In order to use silver responsibly it is crucial that only the technically unavoidable amount of silver be released into the water.  

The Problem  

In general, silver is great for water purification, however, if simply added, a certain residue will remain in the water.

The Solution

With OxyCat® the cleaning potential is fixed in place on the catalytically active surfaces. The purification process takes place right there on millions of microelectrodes. It is so effective that natural oxygen alone is sufficient for disinfection. The water is clean and free from silver because the catalytically active oxygen species (ROS) are the active ingredient – and not silver.

* AgNPs, Uptake and Risk for Environmental Organisms,, Study on Oxidative Stress Caused by Nano-Silver (07.2020, Dr. Stadelmann).

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